Bridges and Paths
I walked down a path full of lilies and doves cooing.
The fresh winds brought mist to my face.
I’m in complete awe of Your faithfulness.
The peak of the day warms my skin.
Your love ripens by being.
The ground paved ahead of me helps me walk straight.
As I look ahead there is an end to this path
I walk towards the end of the path.
I look down and below are rushing waters.
Across the rushing waters begins another path.
This path has bright skies, it’s full of wild flowers, and has ravens soaring.
The only thing that separates me from this path is the bridge in front of me.
I hesitated to step on the bridge.
Many thoughts started to race in my mind “if I can only make it to the other side”
I step onto the bridge.
Then I heard a whisper, “look back and remember where I brought you from”
I smiled, and continued walking forward.
Waiting is sometimes the most challenging experience we endure in our lifetime. From the womb we begin to endure waiting. As we walk down the path that the Lord has paved for us, we are experiencing His promise on this path. Waiting is like a bridge, it’s sturdy but only two ways to go, back or forward. See our Heavenly Father is the promise giver. Our faith releases these promises tangibly to us in life. Remembering the last promise received helps us capture the next promise ahead of us.