How to Prepare Sea Moss Gel

How to Prepare Sea Moss Gel :

Daily consumption of sea moss various by person but the standard dosage of sea moss is 1 to 2 tablespoons a day, or 3 full tincture droplets. This recipe should make about two weeks’ worth of sea moss.


  1. Dried Caribbean Sea moss
  2. Tap Water- for cleaning
  3. Distilled water (bottled water) or Aloe Vera Water


  1. Clear mixing bowl (preferably)
  2. Plastic wrap or clear lid for bowl
  3. Measuring cup
  4. Blender
  5. Mason jar or container for storing


  1. Take 1 cup of dried sea moss
  2. Place sea moss in the bowl and rinse thoroughly in the sink. Sea moss is sea plant and may contain sand or other sea particles. You will rinse several times until the sand is out.
  3. Clean the bowl you are using or put the sea moss in a new bowl and fill with water until sea moss is covered to the top with water.
  4. Place a lid or plastic wrap on top and leave on the counter for a few hours. *Sometimes I prep at night and leave the moss in the water over the night. If I am doing this in the daytime, I might change the water out a few times to make sure all the sand is out.
  5. Once the sea moss has rested in the water it will expand to its natural size, usually double its dried size. I take the sea moss out of the bowl and check one last time to be sure the sea moss is free of any sand. Place the sea moss in a blender.
  6. Get two cups of aloe vera or distilled water
  7. I pulse the sea moss in the blender slowly and take the water or aloe and slowly add to the blended mixture.
  8. Once all ingredients are inside, I blend until the sea moss is translucent and there are no small particles of plant in the mix. The sea moss should look similar to flax seed gel when it is complete.  It is up to you if you would like to add a preservative at this step, but it is not necessary.  Since I consume mines daily, I use what I have within a reasonable time frame.
  9. Put sea moss in mason jars and refrigerate.

The sea moss gel should last about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.