Have a Heart of Worship
When we think of worship, sometimes we see two pictures the first is us singing praises to the living God, the second is a picture of us bowing in a particular position to the living God and speaking words of praises. Now I’m not saying either of these acts are wrong, but I believe there is something deeper the Father desires for us to receive: a heart always in constant communion with His presence.
A heart of worship is the ability to receive the Father’s love at all times, past the current feelings and emotions we may be experiencing. In a heart of worship we can truly say, “Lord you are good beyond my current situation”, “Lord, you are good because you are the very nature of what is good” and “I trust you Lord”. This not easy to do at first because we have had so many teachings, theologies, and opinions that have risen above the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5) and our trust in the Lord has been very minimal. Our old thinking needs to be cleared out by renewing of our minds with the things of the Lord, our Father. This is done by the prompting of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ left to dwell within us (Romans 12:2).
The word of our Father says when we continue to renew our minds daily with the truth of the Lord we can see what is good and perfect. So can we say a heart of worship is truly found in the positioning our hearts to our Father’s Holy Spirit and not the positioning of our hands and body? Absolutely!
Saints, be open to His presence and let His Spirit lead you to praise.
God Bless!